Gramatica Engleza Pdf

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Acest curs prezinta Limba Engleza Curs Practic - Nivel Mediu.
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  1. Academia de Engleza va ofera cursuri, exercitii online gratuite (fara profesor) de limba engleza si un dictionar englez roman. Limba engleza se invata usor prin articolele noastre de gramatica engleza, conversatie si vocabular.
  2. . Ia Engleza cu tine. Cursul contine 20 de lectii atat audio, cat si suport text (.PDF), un program cu dictionar Roman-Englez si Englez-Roman, un dictionar de expresii in Limba Engleza, tabel cu Verbe si un curs format text cu Gramatica limbii engleze.

Arhiva contine 1 fisier pdf de 51 de pagini .

Gramatica Limbii Engleze, gramatica engleza. Gramatica engleza este structurata in parti de vorbire. Le gasiti insirate in josul paginii, impreuna cu detalii de rigoare. Viitorul Simplu. Verbe Neregulate. Perfectul Prezent Simplu. Perfectul Prezent Continuu.

Profesor: Gabriela Dumbrava

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Horace was very proud of his cousin, Mike Aspen, Hollywood’s brightest young star.

Whenever his cousin appeared on the screen, Horace would say, “Isn’t he wonderful? He’s my

cousin, you know ”.

What was worse, Horace was always cutting pictures of his cousin out of movie

magazines and putting them on the kitchen wall. His wife would say, “We used to have a nice

clean wall. Now all I can see is Mike, Mike, Mike!” Then she would walk angrily out of the

kitchen and slam the door behind her.

When Mike’s face used to appear on posters or billboards, Horace would proudly brag

about his cousin’s successful career. “He used to go to Midville High School, you know. We

would always play in the schoolyard together, and we were always getting into trouble together.

I remember how he was always stealing apples from the corner grocery store. He used to be like

a brother to me. We were always missing classes together. What a great guy, a truly great guy.

He was my favorite cousin.”

One day, though, everyone woke up to find the daily newspapers covered with the

headlines, MIKE ASPEN INVOLVED IN GANGLAND KILLING. Reporters went to Horace’s house to

interview him. “Did you and Mike Aspen really use to be like brothers? Is it true you were both

getting in trouble all the time? What kind of trouble? Did you really play in the school yard


“Mike Aspen . . . Mike Aspen . . . . , “ he said in a puzzled voice.

“Oh, yes! The actor.” Horace shook his head, “No relation to me. Never met the guy.”


Answer the following questions according to your understanding of the text:

1. Who was Mike Aspen?

2. Why was Horace proud of him?

3. What was Horace always doing?

4. Why was Horace’s wife angry?

5. What school did Horace and his cousin go to?

6. What were they always doing together?

7. What happened one day?

8. What did Horace tell the reporters?

9. Did he tell the truth?

10. What do you think about Horace’s attitude?


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HABIT IN THE PAST (Exprimarea unei acţiuni obişnuite în trecut)

O acţiune care a avut loc în mod obişnuit în trecut se redă în limba engleză prin una

dintre următoarele trei construcţii gramaticale:

1. Used to Master key generator nintendo switch 6.0.1.

Used + infinitivul lung al verbului se foloseşte în următoarele situaţii:

a. Pentru a reda o acţiune cu caracter de rutină în trecut:

Exemplu: When I worked on the farm I used to get up at five in the

Gramatica Engleza Pdf Online

morning, and I used to eat an enormous breakfast before going out to work.

b. Un obicei din trecut care nu mai există în prezent:

Exemplu: I used to smoke a lot, but I don’t any more.

I used to visit my parents every weekend, but now I see them very

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I think the manager decide for all the employees to meet him. When I be a teenager I like adventure books, but for some time I study science books. His personal assistant come to work today? She arrange some meetings for the manager the moment she arrive. The child have the dog, Cudly, for two months before it disappear.

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Maybe they meet somebody today. How long it take her to type the emails?

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Ce citesti in seara asta? I not think about that! Both children and their parents look for the dog for three hours when they decide to place some photos of the dog in the neighbourhood.

I not know … Listen! He call everybody some inceptaori ago. She types very quickly. So you read for a long time… How many books you read so far? You want to go there and ask them?

How long you be interested in books? Suddenly, the boy see a photo of the dog on a fence and he realize the dog run away before he find it. Vezi grajatica in videoclip: His sister leave the gate open and the little dog go out of the yard.

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip: They be happy playing with each other, running in the streets. They not know that moment that another little child find Cudly.

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Ce s-a intamplat acum o ora? Ai suficient timp liber? What you think they can do to us? It seem that they be some scientists and they do some research for the moment.

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Why they be here? She arrive even earlier than 9 a. I read a lot and I also like a lot. Erati acolo cand s-a intamplat accidentul? What you think about? They leave here those two aliens who have just got off?

He not talk to his personal assistant yet. Cati prieteni ti-ai facut pana acum? Au de gand sa se hotarasca ce vor?

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